Thursday, February 4, 2010

Feb 4th 2010

*Breaking News*

British MI5 indicates that the latest threat to airliners may not, in fact, be explosives carried in the nether regions. However, the idea of using female bombers and placing the explosives in traditionally taboo areas on / in their bodies is gaining traction in the jihadist community. It's PETN based breast augmentation.

It sounds nutty at first, but it makes perfect sense when you think about it. Without being juvenile, you would have to really palpate the area to notice that it didn't feel right. Can you imagine the havoc it would cause if women now had to have their breasts groped up in order to board a plane? How about if someone who didn't actually have a bomb got frisked? And they were Muslim / Arabic looking / had an Arabic sounding name? All you can eat trial lawyer smorgasboard.

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